
Freedom of Information Request

The Capital PCC report into the fire at Moss Hall Grove

Received: 28 May 2024

Dear Sir/MadamBarnet council commisioned a document entitled "Low Rise Cladding - Feasibility Report" by a company called Capital PCC. This document is publically available and is signed and dated 28-11-23. This report can be found on on the following URL: this report Capital PCC, the authors, reference an additional report, also by Captial PCC. This report is referenced on page 1, section 1.2, of the above report:"The Capital report into the fire at Moss Hall Grove highlighted that the most likely causesof the rapid fire-spread were via the combustible external cladding material which bridgedacross the compartment lines between houses, via the boxing-in of the roof eves andpotentially between the head of the compartment party wall and the underside of the roofcovering."We have asked Capital PCC and Barnet council for a copy of this report, this request was rejected by Capital PCC and ignored by Barnet Council.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (not held) - application/pdf - Download