Surrey Respite Centre's planned short break service for adults with learning disabilities and complex needs provides a homely, safe and secure environment allows individuals, families and carers to have a period of planned respite or a short break.
They also offer an emergency service for people who are unable to stay at their permanent home for health, behavioural, or increased support needs.
This service is for men and women with learning disabilities aged 18+ who may have complex needs, including autism, challenging behaviour and/or mental health problems who live in Surrey.
They also offer an emergency service for people who are unable to stay at their permanent home for health, behavioural, or increased support needs.
This service is for men and women with learning disabilities aged 18+ who may have complex needs, including autism, challenging behaviour and/or mental health problems who live in Surrey.
Surrey Respite Centre
Support Organisations
» Learning disabilities
Support Organisations
» Carers