Payments, support, discounts, changing address
Housing Benefit, grants, food banks
Planning permission, Building Control, breaches
Admissions, school meals, term dates, attendance
Contact us, councillors, policies, meetings
Bin collections, garden waste, bulky waste
Permits, Tickets/PCNs, Blue Badges
Find and join a library, renewals, computer access, eBooks
Child safety, child care, fostering and adoption
Council and social housing, tenants, landlords
Keeping safe, Specialist support, Caring for someone
Employment in Barnet, training and skills support
Street and road works, potholes, lowered kerbs
Fly-tipping, Dog fouling, Noise pollution
Register to vote, Election results, Electoral Register
Register a birth or death, order certificates
Find a park, play sport, explore open spaces
Apply for a licence, check licensing register
Business rates, Consumer advice, Trading standards
Keeping active, Sexual health, Children's health
Your safety, arts and culture, community and faith groups
Youth activities, Youth and democracy
Regeneration schemes, Growth areas
Marriages and civil partnerships, citizenship, venues
Learn digital skills and get online
Help us become one of London's most sustainable boroughs
Essential services for new residents