
Governance service privacy notice

The following notice applies to all personal information processed for the purposes of:

  • Administrating the Councils formal decision-making process and committee administration, as required by the Local Government Act 1972 & 2000.
  • Processing Petitions sent to the Head of Governance as outlined in the Council’s Constitution Article 3 Residents and Public Participation.
  • Processing nominations of Assets of Community Value as outlined in the Assets of Community Value (England) Regs 2012.
  • Procedure for dealing with Complaints about the conduct of a Councillor as outlined in Article 9 of the Council’s Constitution.

Committee Administration

In-line with the Council’s Constitution, Article 3, members of the public can request to submit a comment or a question to a committee, submit an issue to a residents’ forum or request to speak at a planning committee. In order to process these requests, the service will require your name and email. This information is used to communicate with you around arrangements for committees and to provide responses to the questions/comments you have raised. The information may be shared with other departments within the Council to provide a full and relevant response. Names will appear within agendas and minutes of committee meetings, which are published on the Council’s website

Processing Petitions

Full name, email address and home address will be required to submit or sign a petition. Names of individuals signing a petition are published on the Council’s website. Individuals can ask at the time of their contact with the council, for their name not to be published. Addresses are used to establish whether signatories live within the London Borough of Barnet.

Assets of Community Value

We will be compliant with the Assets of Community Value (England) Regs 2012.

The Regulations place requirements on the Council to keep a list of its assets, contained within the Register of Assets of Community value and must be available for free inspection by any person. The Council must also publish and maintain the list of assets nominated unsuccessfully by community nomination.

Procedure for dealing with Complaints about the Conduct of a Councillor

If you wish to make a complaint about the conduct of a Councillor, your identity will normally be disclosed to the Councillor who is the subject of your complaint. Your complaint will also include consultation with an Independent Person who has been appointed by the Council to investigate such complaints.

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