
Graffiti and fly posting

Graffiti and fly posting on public land

You can report graffiti or fly posting on public land. We will aim to action your report within ten working days providing the issue is accessible at street level. Offensive graffiti and fly posting is removed within 2 to 3 working days of being reported.

Report graffiti 

Report fly posting

Graffiti removal from private land

We also offer a chargeable graffiti removal service for private properties. Please contact us on 020 8359 4600 for a quote.

Graffiti on private street furniture

The council works with the owners of private street furniture, but you can report graffiti to them directly:

Our policy on graffiti

Barnet spends over £100,000 a year on removing graffiti. It's been found that the best way to prevent vandalism of this type is to remove the graffiti as quickly as possible.

Graffiti is a criminal offence and anyone caught in the act may be prosecuted and could face a fine or imprisonment.

If you witness any type of vandalism taking place and the suspect is present, dial 101.