
Careers in childcare

Setting up a nursery in Barnet

If you are interested in setting up a registered nursery, Barnet Early Years Team can offer start up business advice and registration support.

Further information can be found in the following leaflet 'Do you want to become a childcare provider?'

For information on registering as a childcare provider or setting up a childcare provision, contact FIS

Becoming a registered childminder

General Information About Becoming a Childminder

What is childminding?

  • Childminding refers to caring for children in your or someone else’s home for payment or reward. It does not count as childminding if it is the home of one of the children being cared for, unless the care is for more than 2 different families at the same time. 
  • The difference between a childminder and a nanny is that a nanny is employed by the family they’re working for, whereas a childminder is self-employed. 
  • Childminders registered with OFSTED will receive local authority support, whilst nannies will not. 

See the Childminding UK website for further information. 

Why become a childminder?

Have you considered a career in childminding? Here are 10 reasons why you should:

  • You can work from home
  • Chance to be self-employed
  • Minimal travel costs
  • Flexible working hours
  • Minimal start-up costs
  • Spend time with your own children
  • Set your own fees
  • Support children’s learning and development
  • Regular support from local authority
  • Opportunities to upskill and progress

You will be well supported at Barnet

  • All new childminders are offered support in becoming a Childminder in Barnet
  • When you have completed your training course, contact your Childminding Quality and Support Officer (CQSO) and arrange for a visit to your home. Please contact Jenny Boyce or Susie Edwards
  • Your CQSO will check that you are ready to apply for registration and will offer guidance in all aspects of becoming a Childminder. 

Childminder Start-up Grant Scheme 

After registering with OFSTED, you may be eligible for a childminder start-up grant. A £600 grant for those who register with Ofsted, and £1200 for those who register with a childminder agency, will be payable to any individual who has completed their childminder registration on or after 15 March 2023. 

New childminders are now able to apply for the grant. 

Our priority is to support childminders by helping with the costs incurred when registering and giving them the flexibility to choose their own pathway into the sector. 

Childminder start-up grants scheme update: April 2023 - GOV.UK (

Step By Step Guide to Becoming a Childminder:

  1. Attend Barnet’s Pre-registration Information Sessions
    Come along to one of our in-person information sessions to find out more about becoming a childminder and if it is the right career for you. 

    These sessions will be held at: Newstead Children’s Centre, 1 Fallows Close, N2 8LG. 

    Book your place here
  2. Read the Statuary Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage
    View and familiarise yourself with the Early Years Foundation Stage framework.
    -    Learning and Development requirements
    -    Assessment
    -    Safeguarding and welfare requirements. 
  3. Do your Market Research
    Childminding is a business, so you need to do your market research.

    You should:
    -    Talk to local parents. 
    -    Talk to local schools.
    -    Check other provisions in area. To help with this, view Barnet’s latest Childcare Sufficiency Assessment
    -    Talk to your family about how being a childminder will impact the family home. 

    Ask yourself:
    -    What services do you want to offer?
    -    Do parents need the service you offer?
    -    What are parents willing to pay for that service?
    -    Are you able to work for that money? 

  4. Prepare for Registration
    Before you can register as a childminder, you will need to have completed:

    •    Paediatric First Aid
    •    A Childminder Preparation Course
    •    A Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check
    •    Health Declaration Booklet

    Paediatric First Aid (minimum 12 hours). You will have to pay for this course and course fees will vary dependent on the provider. We recommend Tiger Lilly’s Paediatric First Aid course which you can access here. 

    A Childminder Preparation Course 
    If you do not hold childcare qualifications, you will need to complete basic training on running a childminding service and delivering the EYFS, from a home-based setting. 

    You should complete one of the following OFSTED Recognised courses: 

    Childminding UK Introductory Training Course 
    •    CPD certified online training
    •    Contains 5 modules
    •    This course covers all the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) necessary for registration with Ofsted plus extra information that will help you build a high quality and sustainable childminding business. Suitable for those registering on the Early Years Register, or BOTH the Early Years and Childcare Registers.


    Preparing to work in Home-based Childcare (HBCA) Pavey course 
    •    Attend the 'Preparing to work in Home-based Childcare HBCA' Level 3 Award course, by Pavey. This is a level 3 CACHE (Council for Awards in Care, Health and Education) qualification. These are held each term. The course lasts 14 weeks and takes place one evening a week. It provides you with all the information and tools you need to become a childminder.

    Complete a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) application form
    All applicants must complete a DBS check online. Furthermore, any individuals aged 16 or above who work or live on your premises are automatically connected with the application must also complete a DBS. It is recommended that you join the DBS update service
    •    All DBS applications must be completed through the OFSTED registration website DBS website. The website provides guidance on how to apply for a criminal record check and assists with any related questions. Applicants must only use this service if they wish to apply for the childcare roles as set out in this guidance.

    Health Declaration Booklet
    Before registering with Ofsted, you will also need to complete a health declaration form and have it verified by your GP. You can access the form via Ofsted on

    a.    Click on become a childminder
    b.    Scroll down to the section ‘what to do before you register’
    c.    Click Health Declaration Form
    d.    Part of the form must be completed and signed by you.  You must then take the form to your doctor for them to complete the rest of the form.
    e.    You must provide a pre-paid envelope for the doctor to send the form directly to Ofsted.

  5. Ask your Childminding Quality Support Officer for a Home Visit
    Email your Childminding Quality Support Officer and ask for a home visit. Once you have completed the above training and checks, email your CQSO so they can make sure that everything is ready, and you haven’t missed anything before you register. Please contact your CQSO’s: or  
  6. Register with OFSTED

    What does registration involve?

    •    If you want to work as a Childminder, you must be registered. Registration proves that you have been found safe and suitable to work with children.
    •    You will be registered by Ofsted. 

    All childcare is regulated by Ofsted. 
    Ofsted ensures to: 
    •    Visit you to register you as a Childminder. 
    •    Inspect your setting. 
    •    Interview you to assess your suitability to become a Childminder. As listed in Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage, September 2023 
    To be registered to care for children under 5 years, you must demonstrate to Ofsted that you understand and can deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

    You can apply online to register as a childminder here.

  7. After Registration - What happens next?
    The inspector will visit a few weeks after they receive your application. They will check and confirm:
  • your premises, to ensure that they are safe and suitable for childminding.
  • your understanding of the EYFS
  • that you are ready to begin caring for children. 
  • the number of children you may care for
  • any actions that you need to take before you can start childminding

    Once you are registered:
    Your details as a registered Childminder will be added to the Barnet website
    Various training workshops from Barnet will be offered to support you
    You will have an OFSTED inspection within 30 months and receive a grade.