

Fake QR Code Alert

It has come to our attention there may be a possible scam involving fake QR codes on parking signs to make payments to park. Please note that Barnet Council only processes payments to park via PaybyPhone (either through the app or by calling them directly using the telephone number displayed on the sign quoting the location number). We do not request payment for parking or penalties by text or QR code. To report suspicious QR codes on signs, please email

Notice of Changes to Penalty Charges and Additional Fees

Parking penalties across London are increasing from April 7 2025

The Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) that motorists who park or drive dangerously or anti-socially may have to pay is increasing. 

In Barnet this means that from Monday 7 April 2025 if a PCN is issued for a less serious parking contravention the charge will be £110 (discounted to £55 for prompt payment). If a penalty is issued for a more serious contravention the charge will be £160 (discounted to £80). 

This is an increase of £30 (£15 to the discounted rate). Find out more on the Notice of Change to Penalty Charges and Additional Fees page

Council decisions

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