
Free prescriptions for care leavers in north London

image of young person

In Barnet, care experienced young people can apply for a Prescription Prepayment Certificate so they do not have to pay for prescribed medication.

Who is eligible?

Care experienced young people who are eligible for the Prescription Prepayment Certificate must be:

  • aged between 18 and 24, up to their 25th birthday 
  • a care leaver from a Local Authority in North Central London (Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington)
  • registered with a GP
  • not already eligible for free prescriptions through national exemptions for example, those with long term health conditions

How to apply 

To apply for the Prescription Prepayment Certificate, you need to contact your Personal Advisor from our leaving care team.

They will help you to fill in a form and apply on your behalf for the certificate. You will need an email address you can access and must be registered with a GP.

Where you’re already eligible for free prescriptions through existing national exemptions, you will be supported to access that entitlement.

When you will get your Prescription Prepayment Certificate

Once your application has been received, checks will be made to ensure that you are entitled to the Prescription Prepayment Certificate. If you are can get one, you should receive your certificate within two weeks.

If there is a delay in the certificate being issued, you will be informed. 

If you cant get a Prescription Prepayment Certificate you will be informed of the reason and will be provided with further advice on payment for prescriptions.

What happens when your Prescription Prepayment Certificate expires

A Prescription Prepayment Certificate is valid for one year. You will be alerted approximately one month before expiry of the certificate. If you wish to apply for another certificate you should contact your Personal Advisor within the leaving care team  as soon as possible who will help you fill in a form and apply on your behalf for another certificate.

If your certificate expires and you do not apply for a new one you will need to pay for any items prescribed.

Lost Prescription Prepayment Certificate

When you apply for a Prescription Prepayment Certificate it will be sent to you via email to limit the chance of it being lost. If you lose your Prescription Prepayment Certificate you can contact the NHS who may be able to help you recover it.

Find out how to contact the NHS here: