
Freedom of Information Requests

Freedom of Information requests within the last 180 days for Children, young people and families.

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For past FOI requests, please see the disclosure log.

FOI ID Title Received date
12635996 Freedom of Information request - Childcare Development Officer Names 25th Jul 2024
12536216 FOI - LAC in boarding schools 15th Jul 2024
12407544 FOI - LAC & Schools 25th Jun 2024
12181600 Residential Family Assessment Centers 20th May 2024
12133076 Child protection plans 13th May 2024
11980642 Missing children from asylum hotels 18th Apr 2024
11965109 FOI - Household support fund 16th Apr 2024
11869292 FOI - Mental health support for children and young people aged 11 to 25 3rd Apr 2024
11848200 Planned changes to post 16 transport policy 28th Mar 2024
11785544 FOI - Physical Characteristics of a Child's Home. 18th Mar 2024