
Online BICS Family Minds Workshops for Parents and Carers

Each workshop is aimed towards parents and carers of young people between the ages of 4 – 17.

Our mental health educational workshops aim to build knowledge and skills to help us manage common difficulties faced by children and young people.

These workshops are facilitated by BICS practitioners and are free to sign up via Eventbrite.

Our Family Minds workshops run throughout the year.

Upcoming online workshops

Family Minds: Understanding and Managing Anxiety

A two-part workshop to learn skills to help you to support your child or young person with their worries.

Next dates: October 8th (part 1) and 15th 2024 (part 2); December 3rd (part 1) and December 10th 2024 (part 2)

Family Minds: Emotional Based School Avoidance (EBSA)

A workshop to consider how to talk to children and young people about EBSA and learn skills to help you to support your young person.

Next dates: September 17th 2024

Family Minds: Understanding and Managing Low Mood

A workshop to learn skills to help you to support your child or young person who may be experiencing low mood.

Next dates: November 26th 2024

Other workshops

Family Minds: Understanding and Managing Anxiety

A two-part workshop to learn skills to help parents and carers to support your child or young person with their worries.

Family Minds: Emotional Based School Avoidance (EBSA)

A workshop for parents and carers to consider how to talk to children and young people about EBSA and learn skills to help you to support your young person. This can also be delivered to education staff within schools.

Family Minds: Understanding and Managing Low Mood

A workshop for parents and carers to learn skills to help support children or young people who may be experiencing low mood.

Family Minds: Activities for Expressing Feelings and Managing Emotions

A workshop for parents and carers to learn skills to help support children or young people in managing difficult emotions.