Blue Badges
Helps disabled people with severe mobility problems to access goods and services by allowing them to park close to their destination.

Freedom Pass
Freedom Passes for older and disabled people are funded by your local council and give free travel on most public transport in London 24 hours a day including weekends and public holidays.

Mobility Aid Recognition Card (TfL)
For people who use mobility scooters, manual and powered wheelchairs, mobility walkers or shopping trolleys. If your mobility aid is one of the 86 types that will fit into the wheelchair space on London buses, then you can order a Mobility Aid card to show to bus drivers so they can ensure you have access to the bus.

Motability Car Scheme
Buying and adapting a car can be expensive. The Car Scheme, run by the independent not-for-profit organisation Motability gives disabled people the opportunity to own or lease a car at an affordable price.

North London Dial-a-Ride
Dial-a-Ride is a door-to-door multi-occupancy vehicle for disabled people and older people who cannot use buses, trains and tubes. It can be used for many different journeys, such as shopping, visiting friends and family, doctor and dentist appointments, and going out at night.
You must have a permanent or long-term disability or health problem, which makes you unable or virtually unable to use public transport.
Shopmobility at Brent Cross shopping centre
Brent Cross shopping centre run a Shopmobility service which offers people with limited mobility wheelchairs and powered scooters free of charge. Shopmobility is about the freedom to get around. You do not need to be registered disabled to use it.

The London Taxicard scheme enables people with physical disabilities to travel in licensed black cabs for a reduced fare. You can apply for membership of the scheme if you are a Barnet resident:
- in receipt of Disability Living Allowance at the higher rate mobility component
- have a permanent or substantial disability
- in receipt of a War Pensioners' Mobility supplement
- registered as blind (not partially sighted)
Travel Mentoring Service
Learn to use public transport through TfL's travel mentoring service. A mentor comes with you for your first few journeys to help you gain confidence to become an independent traveller. It can also provide help to people who use mobility scooters and other mobility aids on London bus services.
Travel Support Card
Use the card to ask for help from TfL staff when travelling on any form of public transport in London. For example: help with directions, planning your journey if there are delays, making sure you have time to sit down on a bus before it moves off and help to get on or off river boats.
Our transport policy
Look at our Transport Policy for more about the Councils’ provision of transport services for adult social care users.