What's on in Barnet
Whether you are looking for an exercise class, lunch groups and coffee mornings, or opportunities to make new friends, there’s something happening close to you.
Age UK Barnet's neighbourhood services works with 12 other voluntary organisations to provide a broad range of activities and services for older people.

Leisure centres, specialist fitness and over 50's exercise
If exercise were a pill, it would be one of the most cost-effective drugs ever invented, according to NHS Choices.

Libraries are not just about books. Many libraries across Barnet have thriving community groups, events and activities.

Films, movies and cinema
Cinema CEA card
The Card enables a disabled cinema guest to receive a complimentary ticket for someone to go with them when they visit a participating cinema. Find out more on how to apply for a CEA Card.
Silver Screen
Everyman Cinemas - Silver Screen is a weekly matinee screening of a current release for film fans ages 55 and over. Ticket prices include a free hot drink and a slice of cake.
Dementia-friendly screenings
Dementia friendly screenings are free for anyone over 60 and two guests of any age, such as friends, family or carers. The screenings will be shown with brighter lighting, quieter sound and an interval in the middle of the film for a sing-a-long and comfort break. Cinememories at Phoenix Cinema, East Finchley